Emergency Information
June 2007

“Emergency Information,” Ensign, June 2007, 71

Emergency Information

Would you know how to drain the pipes in your home if you needed more usable water in an emergency? Or what if you had to evacuate and needed drinking water? Would you know how to purify some? Even in calm situations, many of us would not recall each step required in life-saving measures such as these. We may vaguely remember something we’ve read or heard in a lesson somewhere. But in the event of a real emergency, we would probably be at a loss to remember how to do things correctly.

One possible solution is to organize emergency information ahead of time so you can quickly refer to it if you ever need to. For instance, pamphlets and handouts could be stored in protective plastic bags in your emergency kit. More extensive information could be organized in sheet protectors, stored in a binder, and placed in an easy-to-reach locale in your home.

Many helpful emergency preparedness guidelines are available. Scouting handbooks and information on providentliving.org are just a few of the resources available. Check your local library and bookstores, or go online to discover more. Someday you might be glad you did.
