undefined undefined World Briefs
World Briefs
September 2008

“World Briefs,” Ensign, Sept. 2008, 77

World Briefs

Humanitarian Services Receives Award from Madagascar

In recognition of its welfare contributions in Madagascar, LDS Humanitarian Services received the Chevalier de L’Ordre Nationale Madagascar award in June 2008 from the country’s Ministry of Health. In 2007 and 2008, the Church provided equipment for dentists treating patients in remote areas and for doctors to perform cataract surgery. The Church has also donated 500 wheelchairs and completed clean water projects for 17 communities.

Kenya Recognizes Church’s Welfare Efforts

The Kenyan government commended the Church’s relief efforts after a dispute following the country’s presidential election left 1,500 people dead and displaced 600,000. The Church sent 20 40-foot containers packed with blankets, hygiene and school supplies, dry milk, and nutritional food as well as kits for use in orphanages and for newborn care. The supplies will be distributed by partner agencies within the African country to families seeking assistance to return to their homes.

Preach My Gospel Downloads Available

The Preach My Gospel manual used by members and missionaries all over the world can be viewed online or downloaded in PDF format in 42 languages. It is also now available as an English audio recording in MP3 format. To download the files, visit GospelLibrary.lds.org and select Preach My Gospel from the “Shortcuts” menu on the right. Church audio files can also be found at www.lds.org/mp3/newarchive.

Joseph Smith Manual MP3s Available

The manual Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith is now available to download online in MP3 audio format in 11 languages. The files are available in Cantonese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Access all the audio files at www.lds.org/mp3/newarchive or by clicking on Listen in the individual text chapters found in the LDS.org Gospel Library.

Danish, Dutch, Hungarian Triples Available Online

The Danish, Dutch, and Hungarian versions of the triple combination are now available online at Scriptures.lds.org. The online triple combination provides footnotes, study helps, maps, photographs, and the ability to mark scriptures. To help more members have access to the scriptures, the Church has previously placed English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish versions of the triple online. The LDS scriptures in more than two dozen languages are currently being converted for use online.

Swedish Triple Combination Now Available

Swedish-speaking members can now study the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price together with the publication of the new triple combination in Swedish. A First Presidency announcement encouraged members to obtain their own copies of the new triple combination, with associated study guides, through local Church distribution centers or local leaders. A new edition of the Book of Mormon is also available in the language.