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New Products
December 2008

“New Products,” Ensign, Dec. 2008, 80

New Products

New Era Special Issue Still Available

A special issue of the New Era published in October 2008 was written to encourage youth to be firm in their faith and make good decisions. The issue includes counsel from Church leaders and others on everyday challenges such as integrity, mental and physical health, entertainment and media, relationships, and personal testimony. A section on the 18 topics in For the Strength of Youth features stories, explanations, and examples of living the principles taught in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Two wallet-sized For the Strength of Youth booklets are included, along with “standards” cards, a resource to help answer questions about dating, the Word of Wisdom, and whether Mormons are Christian.

The New Era is available in distribution centers and online at LDSCatalog.com.

Scripture Stories Available Online and on DVD

The illustrated Scripture Stories series are now available online and on DVD. The storybooks have been a great resource for many years, helping young children understand the scriptures through easy-to-understand text and pictures. The books also include maps, glossaries, and timelines for additional information.

The series includes stories from the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants and can now be downloaded from LDS.org in multiple media formats including text, audio, and video versions. The new DVD set is available through distribution centers.

Triple Released in Chinese (Simplified Characters)

A new edition of the triple combination in Chinese (simplified characters) was made available through Church distribution centers in October 2008. The edition includes the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and a study aid titled Guide to the Scriptures. The Book of Mormon in Chinese (simplified characters) was published in 2001. The Book of Mormon in Chinese (traditional characters) was published in 1965, and the triple in 2007.

Book of Mormon Printed in Sinhala

Translation and production of the Book of Mormon in Sinhala, one of Sri Lanka’s official languages, was finished in August 2008. Distribution of the Sinhala version of the Book of Mormon began in September. Since 1983 Sinhala-speaking members have had only portions of the Book of Mormon. There are more than 16 million Sinhala speakers.

Sri Lanka, located just off the southeast coast of India, is home to more than 20 million people and is part of the Singapore Mission. The Church was officially recognized in Sri Lanka on March 2, 1979. The other official language in Sri Lanka is Tamil.