December 2008

“Comment,” Ensign, Dec. 2008, 80


Power of the Word

Thank you for “Finding Comfort in King Benjamin’s Counsel” (Ensign, Aug. 2008, 25). I was reminded again of the power of the word of God. As a mother, I try to relate the experiences my children are having to the scriptures, but I don’t always take the time to actually read the specific scripture. I was inspired to do that more often. I also felt the confirmation of the Spirit as I read this experience. The scriptures really can make such a difference in how we understand our purposes here and the love our Heavenly Father has for us. Thanks!

Johanna Wood

Colorado, USA

No Travel Necessary

I was very excited to see that the September Latter-day Saint Voices stories (p. 68) focused on family history. I was disappointed, however, that two of the four stories discussed expensive family history-related trips. Many people do not get involved with family history because it can seem very daunting to get started. I worry that after seeing these stories people who are hesitant to get started will now also think that they need to become world travelers if they want to begin their own family history. In actuality, opportunities for powerful personal experiences involving family history rarely require any travel at all.

Sherry Lindsay

New Zealand

Touching the Heart

During my husband’s stay in the cardiac care unit, I sat reading the August 2008 Ensign. It gave me comfort, strength, and hope. I highlighted many phrases. The magazine spoke to my heart.

I continued to read, and realized upon turning one last page that I had read the whole magazine. I had such a feeling of anxiousness, of needing to read more, of being sorry it was over.

I have a week until the September issue comes. I’m excited to get my hands on it. Thank you for all the time, wisdom, and love that go into these publications.

Cathy Gage

Washington State, USA

Healing from Abuse

Thank you so much for the article “Hope and Healing in Recovering from Abuse” (Ensign, Sept. 2008. 36). It is what I went through. I loved the choice of words and the understanding. I felt that the author really knew what she was talking about, like she was right there with me.

I have a testimony of the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know He knows me and what I have been through. Thanks so much for reminding me. I know it will be OK!

Name Withheld
