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On the Web
December 2008

“On the Web,” Ensign, Dec. 2008, 77

On the Web

Church Gives Mormon.org New Look, More Content

To improve Mormon.org, the Church has made navigation and visual changes to the site and added more multimedia content, including testimonies from General Authorities and members around the world and a new video entitled Finding Happiness. The updated site launched in September 2008 in English and is expected to be available in Spanish by early 2009. Later in 2009 the site will be made available in an additional 21 languages.

Meetinghouse Locator Updated on LDS.org

The Church upgraded its online meetinghouse locator in August 2008, providing users with more precise directions to chapels throughout the world, access for mobile devices, and lists of different types of congregations nearby, including language-specific wards or branches and young single adult units. The meetinghouse locator can be accessed at maps.lds.org or through LDS.org (click on About the Church, then Find a Meetinghouse) and Mormon.org (click on Worship with Us).

Joseph Smith Manual PDFs Available in 11 Languages

The Church Curriculum Department has expanded the online availability of the manual Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith to 11 languages.

PDF files and MP3 audio files of the manual are available in English, Cantonese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Files for American Sign Language are also available.

Access the manual and other Church publications at www.lds.org/gospellibrary/pdfindex.

Country Web Sites Continue to Grow

New Church country Web sites in English for the countries of the Pacific Area and in Tahitian for Tahiti launched in August 2008. There are now 64 country sites with others (Croatia, Hungary, Belgium, Portugal, Philippines, Paraguay, and Uruguay) under construction. A link to the different country sites can be found on LDS.org under “About the Church.” The country sites get nearly 150,000 visitors per month with about a million pages viewed.