My ‘Let It Rain’ Journal
January 2009

“My ‘Let It Rain’ Journal,” Ensign, Jan. 2009, 69

My “Let It Rain” Journal

Kersten Campbell, Washington

Our stake president encouraged us to start a “Let It Rain” journal. He said that personal revelation is like rain. It comes drop by drop, and if we would create a reservoir for it, so to speak, in our journal, we’d be surprised at how much the Holy Ghost prompts us every day. He advised us to write in our journal any questions we might have and pray about them. When I tried this, I was astounded at how much personal revelation I had been overlooking.

I discovered answers to many of my parenting concerns. I also wrote down my desires for a deeper understanding of gospel principles. While studying scriptures or listening to conference and Church talks, I took notes in my journal. I even recorded seemingly stray thoughts on the right side of the paper. I soon discovered that these thoughts were often answers to my struggles or promptings to do something for my family or my calling. Once while watching general conference, I kept having an unrelated thought that I should do something for a certain woman in my ward. The next Sunday I discovered that I’d been assigned as her visiting teacher.

Keeping a “Let It Rain” journal has deepened my gospel understanding, strengthened my testimony, and helped me to be a more effective parent, member missionary, Primary teacher, and daughter of God. I am thankful for a wise stake president whose forecast for rain turned out to be a beautiful, life-changing experience for me.
