A Sure Knowledge of the Savior
January 2009

“A Sure Knowledge of the Savior,” Ensign, Jan. 2009, 15

A Sure Knowledge of the Savior

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

“The Prophet Joseph could and did attest that Jesus lives, a resurrected, glorified person, because he saw Him and conversed with Him. He could and did attest that He is the very Son of God and that through His Atonement, we are redeemed, ‘begotten sons and daughters unto God’ (D&C 76:24) because God the Father personally declared it to Joseph. Joseph translated and published the most powerful and persuasive written testament of Jesus Christ in existence. And finally, the Prophet sealed this testimony with his own blood as a martyr” (BYU–Hawaii commencement address, June 18, 2005, available at www.byuh.edu under “devotionals”).