April 2009

“Comments,” Ensign, Apr. 2009, 80


Bittersweet Miracle

Thanks for the article in the February 2009 Ensign about adoption (“The Gift of Adoption,” 36). My life changed forever on April 19, 2007, when my son was born and his sweet birth mother placed him in my arms. Adoption is a bittersweet miracle for everyone involved in the process. Thank you for sharing the stories of these courageous birth families who were strengthened by the Lord’s love during a difficult time.

Alison Carlson, Utah, USA

Adopting Joy

This morning I read and cried over the adoption stories in the February 2009 Ensign (“The Gift of Adoption,” 36). One thing that attracted my husband and me to each other was that he wanted 14 children and I wanted 12. What a shock to us when, after five years of marriage, we were still childless. We went to LDS Social Services, completed all the paperwork, and waited. After 6 months, our social worker called to tell us we had a baby girl waiting for us. I still cry just thinking about it. Her middle name is Joy, for all the joy she brought into our lives.

We never met the birth mother or father and we know very little about them because of closed records. We never got to thank them for blessing our lives with Joy. Thank you.

Dale and Mary-Jo Christensen, Missouri, USA

An Answer to Prayer

Thank you so much for the January 2009 article “Bipolar Disorder: My Lessons in Love, Hope, and Peace” (p. 62). When I came to that article I cried as I witnessed a tender mercy from the Lord. I was officially diagnosed as having the disorder a little over a year ago and have been struggling to become well.

That day I had pleaded in my morning prayer that Heavenly Father would help me know what I need to do to help me on my journey to health. Just a couple of hours later my prayer was answered through this article.

It wasn’t a solution to all of my problems but it testified to me that the Lord loves me, that He knows my struggles and pain, and that He wants to help me and wants me to have true and everlasting happiness.

Name Withheld


In “Doctrine and Covenants Revealed,” in the January 2009 Ensign the caption on the top of page 45 under the heading “Missouri,” should have read: “given in Jackson County, Caldwell County, Daviess County, and Clay County, Missouri.”

In News of the Church in the January 2009 issue, page 74, the credit for the photograph in the article “Mormon Helping Hands Completes First Decade of Service” should read “Photograph by Norman Burningham.” Our apologies to Mr. Burningham.
