Preaching His Gospel
April 2009

“Preaching His Gospel,” Ensign, Apr. 2009, 71

Preaching His Gospel

Kelley Estrada, Arizona

You don’t have to be a full-time missionary to enjoy the blessings of studying the Preach My Gospel manual (item no. 36617000). Our family unity has been strengthened as we’ve studied it together. We firmly believe in the promise from the First Presidency that “more happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children” (Preach My Gospel, 2004, v).

We often refer to the “What Do I Study and Teach?” chapter, which helps us learn more about the message of the Restoration. Each heading within the section covers a topic that we read and then discuss together. Study begins with “God Is Our Loving Heavenly Father” and concludes with “Endure to the End.” Throughout the manual, scripture-study references are easily identified in blue.

My husband and I also study the manual together to gain parenting insights. We like to refer to the orange-colored activity suggestions throughout the book. Some are for personal study, and others indicate companionship study as well. When reading the text, we replace the word “missionary” with “parent.” The same activities suggested for missionaries have helped us to more effectively teach our children the gospel. And just as companion study can unify a missionary companionship, we feel it is ever more worthwhile to strengthen the unity of our eternal companionship.
