Nine-Year-Old Enthusiastic about FamilySearch Indexing
July 2009

“Nine-Year-Old Enthusiastic about FamilySearch Indexing,” Ensign, July 2009, 80

Nine-Year-Old Enthusiastic about FamilySearch Indexing

Nine-year-old Ruth Rodriguez of Chaco, Argentina, has been full of energy since she was born, according to her mother, Viviana. With that energy she has participated in dance, karate, gymnastics, swimming, and guitar.

She has also been a volunteer indexer for the FamilySearch indexing initiative since the age of 8, when her mother was called as the family history center director.

“She cried when she found out that you had to be 12 years old to register to use the new FamilySearch program,” Sister Rodriguez said. “Every once in a while she still tries to register, just in case.”

When she found out children under 12 could register for FamilySearch indexing with the permission of a parent, she signed up. She has since helped index Mexican census records and 1869 census records from Argentina.

Ruth helps patrons register for the new FamilySearch or FamilySearch indexing programs. She teaches others how to fill out their family trees and family group sheets. She even helps patrons set up microfilm in the microfilm readers.

Ruth Rodriguez of Argentina became a volunteer indexer for FamilySearch at age 8.
