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More Online
March 2010

“More Online,” Ensign, Mar. 2010, 3

More Online

Ensign Online

If you’re looking to get more from your Church magazine experience, check out additional features at ensign.lds.org.

Giving Thanks

Perhaps you saw the Mormon Messages video “In the Spirit of Thanksgiving” that debuted in November. But if you missed it—or even if you want to watch it again after reading this month’s articles about the value of gratitude—go to youtube.com/mormonmessages. You can also watch the latest video releases at this site.

Hymn History

History of Hymns, a program on Mormon Channel, investigates the inception and the evolution of LDS hymns, both music and text. Find out the stories behind your favorite hymns at radio.lds.org. Want additional musical edification? Check out Music with a Message, another Mormon Channel program.

Help Your Ward Go Green

Looking to minimize the number of handouts, calendars, and directories that are handed out in church meetings? Use your Ward Web Site to convey announcements and reminders instead. Sign up at lds.org under “Stake and Ward Web Sites” (on the right side of the page).

Did You Know?

The Book of Mormon is available in 107 languages (82 languages in full editions, and 25 in selected excerpts). To order a copy of this additional testament of Jesus Christ for you or a friend, visit www.ldscatalog.com or mormon.org.