Annual Pageants Begin with Mesa
March 2010

“Annual Pageants Begin with Mesa,” Ensign, Mar. 2010, 77

Annual Pageants Begin with Mesa

Each year the Church sponsors five pageants across the United States. Information about each pageant is included here.

Mesa Arizona Pageant

The Mesa Arizona Pageant, Jesus the Christ, retells the story of Jesus Christ’s birth, ministry, selfless death, and miraculous Resurrection. The show runs March 24 to April 3. See www.easterpageant.org for more information.

Manti Utah Pageant

Manti Utah’s The Mormon Miracle Pageant intertwines the stories of the Restoration of the gospel, the witness of the Book of Mormon, and the journey of the faithful pioneers to the Sanpete Valley. The show runs June 17 to 26. See www.mormonmiracle.org for more information.

Nauvoo Illinois Pageant

The Nauvoo Illinois Pageant, A Tribute to Joseph Smith, celebrates the restored gospel, the prophetic mission of Joseph Smith, and the legacy of early Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo. The show runs July 6 to July 31. See www.nauvoopageant.org for more information.

Hill Cumorah New York Pageant

The Hill Cumorah New York Pageant, America’s Witness for Christ, retells the Book of Mormon story, including the trials of Lehi’s family and his descendants, the climactic visit of Jesus Christ to the Americas, and Joseph Smith’s discovery of the plates. The show runs July 9 to 17. See www.hillcumorah.org for more information.

Castle Valley Utah Pageant

The Castle Valley Utah Pageant is an elaborate outdoor historical drama that portrays the settling of a pioneer village in Castle Dale, Utah. The show runs July 29 to August 7. For more information, call 1-435-687-2403. The Castle Valley Pageant alternates every other year with the Clarkston Pageant, Martin Harris: The Man Who Knew, in Clarkston, Utah.

Photograph by Tom Smart, Deseret News
