Cookies and a Spirit of Gratitude
December 2011

“Cookies and a Spirit of Gratitude,” Ensign, Dec. 2011, 73

Cookies and a Spirit of Gratitude

Bernadette Carlson,

Massachusetts, USA

Recently my family was talking about how grateful we were for our wonderful neighbors. During our discussion, it was suggested that we take cookies to one of these families to let them know how grateful we were to have them in our lives. We decided to make cookies for all our neighbors as a family home evening activity.

When Monday night came, we made sugar cookies. We decorated the cookies with sprinkles and frosting and put them in bags adorned with tags and ribbons.

Our children loved helping get the treats ready for delivery. But most of all they enjoyed telling stories and reminiscing about the fond memories we have made with our neighbors over the years.

Family home evening does so many wonderful things for our family. That week it brought us together in the gospel with a spirit of gratitude for those we love.

Images © istockphoto.com/Kimberly Wagoner
