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Helps for Home Evening
December 2011

“Helps for Home Evening,” Ensign, Dec. 2011, 73

Helps for Home Evening

“The Peace and Joy of Knowing the Savior Lives,” page 16: The Savior has done more for us than we can possibly comprehend. At this time of year when many people are thinking about giving and receiving gifts, consider asking family members what they can do for the Savior. Read the final paragraphs of the article under the heading “Our Gift to Him.” What does Elder Nelson say is the greatest gift we could give to the Lord?

“Come, Let Us Adore Him,” page 30: Before the lesson prayerfully select the section or sections that best apply to your family. You may wish to share President Monson’s counsel to “never, never, never postpone following a prompting” and discuss with your family the significance of this statement. Consider explaining how the Spirit speaks to us in different ways—sometimes promptings come as a still, small voice, and often they come as a strong feeling or thought. Then ask family members how they can recognize when the Spirit is speaking to them.

“My Service as a Single Member,” page 34: After reading Sister Burdett’s story, consider discussing the blessings that come from serving in the Church. You could conclude by inviting family members to share a meaningful experience they had while serving in a calling.