Using Agency Wisely
September 2012

“Using Agency Wisely,” Ensign, Sept. 2012, 9

For the Strength of Youth

Using Agency Wisely

One of the most important truths we can learn in our youth is that true freedom and lasting happiness come from using our agency to keep the commandments of God.1 On pages 8–9 of this month’s issue of the New Era, Elder Shayne M. Bowen of the Seventy emphasizes this principle.

“You have the potential to receive all that the Father has. The choice is yours,” he tells youth.

In a world fraught with wickedness and peril, parents play a crucial role in preparing their children to make correct choices and to overcome temptation. In fact, the Lord has commanded parents “to bring up [their] children in light and truth” (D&C 93:40).

The Church has provided parents with resources to help their children learn and live this standard. The following suggestions may prove helpful.

Suggestions for Teaching Youth

  • Read with your teen the section on agency and accountability in For the Strength of Youth. Doing so will give you an opportunity to discuss the standard and to answer any questions your son or daughter may have.

  • Read Elder Bowen’s article on pages 8–9 of this month’s issue of the New Era. Consider using the story about feeding the correct wolf to help your teen understand the importance of making good decisions.

  • Go to youth.lds.org, click on “For the Strength of Youth” under “Youth Menu,” and then click on “Agency and Accountability.” There you will find scriptural references, videos, questions and answers, and articles.

  • Consider holding a family home evening or family devotional on the importance of being courageous and standing for what we believe.2

Suggestions for Teaching Children

  • This month’s Bringing Primary Home is about choosing to keep the commandments (see pages 40–41 in this month’s issue of the Friend). Read the story as a family and ask your child to keep track of the number of decisions made in the story. Explain that Heavenly Father allows us to make decisions so that we can learn and grow. Share some of the things you have learned from making decisions.

  • Complete the CTR Activity in Bringing Primary Home. Then talk about the consequences of making good decisions. Share your testimony of the blessings you have received for making righteous decisions.

  • For additional ideas on teaching agency and accountability, see January’s section of the 2012 Outline for Sharing Time (online at lds.org/service/serving-in-the-church/primary/sharing-time-2012).
