undefined undefined Family Home Evening Ideas
Family Home Evening Ideas
July 2013

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Ensign, July 2013, 3

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are some examples.

“Pioneer Faith and Fortitude—Then and Now,” page 24: Review with your family some of the pioneer experiences in the section “Faith to Follow.” You might then discuss why the faith of the pioneers was so strong. Consider sharing from your own family history a pioneer story or conversion story that demonstrates an ancestor’s act of faith. In his article Elder Ballard states, “We need to commit to serve the Lord and our communities with the same diligence and faith that the pioneers had.” You may want to discuss this statement and how we can show our faith today.

“Singing Throughout the Week,” page 30: Read with your family the sidebar “Music in Our Homes” and discuss how the hymns of the Church can bless both individuals and families. You may want to read together one or more stories in the article and discuss ways family members could use the hymns more often in their lives. Consider inviting family members to identify their favorite hymns and having the family sing or listen to some of them.

Photo illustration by Matthew Reier