Meet the Mormons
October 2014

“Meet the Mormons,” Ensign, October 2014, 26–27

Meet the Mormons

The author lives in Utah, USA.

mountains in Nepal

“God is the author of diversity,” says Darius Gray in a new Church-produced film entitled Meet the Mormons. Darius is a friend of Jermaine Sullivan, a bishop from Georgia, USA, who is featured in the film. Jermaine’s story and those of five other Latter-day Saint families are highlighted in this moving documentary to be released in theaters on October 10. Jermaine’s wife, Kembe, said of the movie, “People get to see us as we really are. That was one of the things that I loved, that it stayed true to our family.”

The filmmakers searched the world and found six powerful examples of modern members of the Church who, although their lives and interests are very different, are all doing their best to live the gospel, whether it be as a competitive kickboxer or a missionary mom.

Each segment of the movie beautifully captures who the featured individuals are as members of the Church in all their reality and humanity. These husbands and wives, fathers and mothers share their experiences as they try to balance faith and family with work, hobbies, and culture. The film shows that even though members of the Church are very diverse, they are all part of a big family striving for the same goals.

Viewers of advance screenings have described the emotional power of the movie:

“From the first moment it started I was laughing, and I was in tears at times.”

“I was moved. I thought, ‘What an honest portrayal of what my life is really like.’”

Others have spoken of the experience of seeing the different stories:

“It was awesome to see different walks of life around the whole world. I just guarantee you that anybody in the whole world could relate to at least one of those stories.”

“It was really touching and really relatable because again, these people are right around the corner; they’re your next-door neighbor. It brings it all home.”

“I can’t wait to see it again.”

In addition to various places in the United States, Meet the Mormons takes viewers to Nepal, Costa Rica, Germany, and South Africa, providing an around-the-world look at families who meet their daily challenges with faith in Jesus Christ.
