Family Home Evening Ideas
August 2015

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Ensign, August 2015, 3

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are some examples.

paper doll family with hand above and below

“Disciples and the Defense of Marriage,” page 34: Consider how you can be a “defender of marriage” in your own home. Have you ever had a conversation with your children about their future marriages or about how the Church’s view of marriage differs from the world’s? Have you ever shared your feelings about marriage with your children? Have you taught them the teachings of the prophets and apostles concerning marriage? During a family home evening, consider discussing these topics, using “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (Ensign, Nov. 2010, 129).

family reading

“Lighting Our Children’s Path with Gospel Standards,” page 42: Consider using one of the ideas suggested on page 46 of the article. For example, you could use the “Stand for the Right” poster on page 47 (also found on page 20 of this month’s Friend) to start a family discussion about reading good books, using “good words,” being honest, or showing respect to others. You could also read aloud the quotation from President Uchtdorf on page 45 and then ask your family: In what ways are the standards and teachings of the gospel like “light posts” to us? See also the related articles on pages 48 and 68 of this issue.