The Long-Promised Day
June 2018

“The Long-Promised Day,” Ensign, June 2018

Commemorating the 1978 Revelation

The Long-Promised Day

Additional context behind excerpts from Official Declaration 2

São Paulo Brazil Temple

Illustration of São Paulo Brazil Temple by Grzegorz Wróbel

Excerpt from Official Declaration 2

“[1]Aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us that at some time, in God’s eternal plan, all of our brethren who are worthy may receive the priesthood, and [2]witnessing the faithfulness of those from whom the priesthood has been withheld, we have pleaded long and earnestly in behalf of these, our faithful brethren, spending [3]many hours in the Upper Room of the Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance.

“[4]He has heard our prayers, and [5]by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come when every faithful, worthy man in the Church may receive the holy priesthood, with power to exercise its divine authority, and enjoy with his loved ones [6]every blessing that flows therefrom, including the blessings of the temple.”

1. Aware of the promises

With the help of others, President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) carefully studied the scriptures and statements made by Church leaders in addresses, journals, meetings, and other sources since the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith, including the following:

2. Witnessing the faithfulness

Read the powerful experiences of faithful black members around the world who joined the Church before the 1978 revelation and experienced the announcement of the long-promised day:

3. Many hours … supplicating

4. He has heard our prayers

5. By revelation … confirmed

6. Every blessing

The revelation was about more than just ordination to the priesthood. Men, women, and children were blessed by access to all priesthood ordinances, including the blessings of the temple.


  1. Brigham Young, speech given on Feb. 5, 1852; see “Race and the Priesthood,” Gospel Topics, topics.lds.org.

  2. David O. McKay, in Llewelyn R. McKay, Home Memories of President David O. McKay (1956), 231.

  3. Harold B. Lee, in L. Brent Goates, Harold B. Lee: Prophet and Seer (1985), 506.

  4. Spencer W. Kimball, in Edward L. Kimball, “Spencer W. Kimball and the Revelation on Priesthood,” BYU Studies, vol. 47, no. 2 (2008), 52.

  5. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball (2006), 239.

  6. Thomas S. Monson, in Heidi S. Swinton, To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson (2010), 393.

  7. Thomas S. Monson, in Swinton, To the Rescue, 394.

  8. Gordon B. Hinckley, “Priesthood Restoration,” Ensign, Oct. 1988, 70.

  9. Bruce R. McConkie, “The New Revelation on Priesthood,” in Priesthood (1981), 128.
