My Conference Notebook: April 2018 General Conference
September 2018

“My Conference Notebook: April 2018 General Conference,” Ensign, September 2018

My Conference Notebook

April 2018 General Conference

What Will I Do?

We Watched Children While Parents Relaxed


Illustrations by Getty Images

President Russell M. Nelson’s talk “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives” (Ensign, May 2018, 93) helped to strengthen our faith in receiving personal revelation on a daily basis. After conference we decided that we would each start our own prayer journal. Every night when we say our couple and personal prayers, we have our prayer journals next to us. After we pray, we wait and listen. We then record thoughts, feelings, and impressions we receive. Sometimes they come immediately and sometimes they come later.

Just recently, we both felt prompted to serve someone specific. We decided to take our friends’ kids for the evening so their dad and eight-months-pregnant mom could have a relaxing evening together. Even though we had just moved, are about to have our own baby, and are college students, Heavenly Father blessed us with the time and energy to serve and follow the prompting we had received. We are so grateful for President Nelson’s counsel. What a blessing it is to have a living prophet on the earth today who knows exactly what God needs to tell us.

—Ethan and Allie Groen, Utah, USA