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John 13–17
June 2019

“John 13–17,” Ensign, June 2019

Come, Follow Me: New Testament—Support Articles and Activities

June 3–9

John 13–17

“Continue Ye in My Love”

the Last Supper

After you’ve studied the scripture passages for this week and reviewed the questions and activities in the manual, consider sharing any of the following articles and activities with your family. These additional resources selected by the Church magazines staff can assist you as you strive to teach the gospel in your home.

John 14–16

Help from the Holy Ghost

The Savior knew his ministry on earth was coming to an end. His disciples would need the Holy Ghost to direct them once He was gone. Notice the ways the Holy Ghost can help us in our lives.


  • The Holy Ghost Is …” An illustrated explanation of who the Holy Ghost is and how He helps us. (From the June 2019 Friend.)

  • His Spirit to Be with You.” In this general conference address, President Henry B. Eyring explains how we can better desire and receive the promptings of the Holy Ghost in our lives.


  • How Can I Be Guided by the Holy Ghost?” Read with your family this short explanation of how the Holy Ghost helps us (from Elder L. Tom Perry [1922–2015] of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles). Invite family members to discuss what they can do to be guided by the Spirit.

John 15:1–8

“I Am the Vine, Ye Are the Branches”

As we abide in Christ, we can bring forth good fruit.


  • Roots and Branches.” In this general conference address, President Russell M. Nelson, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, explains that great blessings will come into our lives if our love for Christ is rooted deeply in our hearts.

  • Abide in Me.” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares stories from his time as President of the Chile Area. He bears testimony that if we are rooted in the Savior’s love, we will be blessed.


  • Vine and Branches.” Discover with your family what grapevines can teach us about our relationship with the Savior. How can we bring forth good fruit?