1 Corinthians 1–7
August 2019

“1 Corinthians 1–7,” Ensign, August 2019

Come, Follow Me: New Testament—Support Articles and Activities

August 19–25

1 Corinthians 1–7

“Be Perfectly Joined Together”

couples of different ethnicities gathered together praying at a table

After you’ve studied the scripture passages for this week and reviewed the questions and activities in the manual, consider sharing any of the following articles and activities with your family. These additional resources selected by the Church magazines staff can assist you as you strive to teach the gospel in your home.

1 Corinthians 1:10–17; 3:1–11

Developing Unity

Though we may walk different paths, speak different languages, and experience different trials, we can find unity in our love for and desire to be like the Savior.


  • With One Accord.” In this general conference talk, Sister Reyna I. Aburto, Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, teaches that members of the Church, like monarch butterflies who work beautifully together, need each other to accomplish God’s work.

  • We Need Christ’s Church.” This New Era article offers five reasons why we need the Church, including to experience the blessings of unity.


  • Human Knot.” Check out this activity from the new Ensign series “Family Study Fun” and discuss ways that the principle of unity applies to families.

  • We Don’t Need to Be the Same to Be One.” Watch this video about embracing our differences.

1 Corinthians 1:17–31; 2

The Wisdom of God

Countless voices battle for our attention day in and day out. It’s no surprise, then, that Paul asked, “Where is the wise?” (1 Corinthians 1:20). Regardless of the direction we seek, the Lord can share His wisdom with us through the gift of the Holy Ghost.


  • Seek Ye Out of the Best Books.” In this general conference address, Elder Ian S. Ardern of the Seventy discusses the Lord’s command to Joseph Smith to seek “out of the best books words of wisdom” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:118).

  • Uncommon Sense: How Christ’s Teachings Changed Everything.” In this Ensign article, Hank R. Smith explains that the Savior’s teachings were unconventional and that “many people today still see His teachings as foolish. But in truth, the opposite is true.”

  • Real-Life Education.” In this New Era article, President Henry B. Eyring discusses why our education matters—now and in the eternities.

  • Multiplication Master.” In this illustrated story from the Friend, Luca learns that he can’t just pray for answers to his school test—he also has to study.


1 Corinthians 6:13–20

The Body Is Sacred

Paul taught that we should think of our bodies as temples of the Holy Ghost (see 1 Corinthians 6:19). The Friend, New Era, and Ensign magazines for August 2019 all have articles and activities related to the subject of the body, including those listed below.



  • Your Body Is a Temple.” Use this game from the Friend to help family members understand how our bodies are like temples.

  • Fun Stop.” These New Era activities provide a fun way for families to learn more about the importance of the body.