Young Aucklanders Ask Big Questions
August 2019

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Young Aucklanders Ask Big Questions

“Who are you?” “What is your purpose in life?” “What is happiness?”

These are some of the questions that young members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and students at Massey University (Albany campus) discussed this week during the university’s Spirituality Week.

A group of young Latter-day Saints used blackboards to invite comments and discussion from passers-by.

Ben Brodie, a Latter-day Saint from Perth, Australia, said the questions “helped people to think inwardly.”

“We had a few really nice conversations with those in other faiths,” he said.

“We also received a lot of compliments from the people who interacted with us who enjoyed sharing ideas and looking at what other people contributed.”

Asking ourselves these questions and encouraging others to do the same invites the spirit to teach us all. We can receive answers to all these questions by studying the words of ancient and modern prophets and by seeking personal revelation from our Heavenly Father.