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Trust in His Process
September 2019

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Trust in His Process

Sister Wendy Nelson empowers Sydney Saints to reach their potential with patience and faith.

When I heard that the prophet was coming to Sydney, I was beyond excited. Just to know that he would be in the same country as myself was exciting but to have the opportunity to be in his presence and to hear his voice was a great blessing.

I am a single mother of four girls. Like most parents, my deepest hopes are for my children to come unto Christ. Over the last few years, my girls have been through a variety of challenges and trials that have led some of them to fall away from activity in the gospel. I know that they love the Lord and believe in Him but the trials in their lives have pulled them away for a time and this has been a great source of worry for me.

I was determined to get them to the prophet’s devotional. I knew that if they felt of his spirit and heard his message, they would feel their testimonies burn within them once again.

After many obstacles, like being unsure if we would get tickets, having moved wards right when they were being allocated, and our car breaking down, we made it to the venue and took our seats.

From the moment the prophet walked into the room there was no denying that we were in the presence of the Lord’s anointed. There was an atmosphere of love and peace that covered the arena like a blanket. The reverence from the packed venue, as everyone hung onto his every word, was very moving; even the children seemed to be unusually quiet.

As well as the words of the prophet, Sister Wendy Nelson’s talk stood out to me. Her obedience to the will of the Lord as He prepared her for her destiny as the wife of the prophet of the Lord, was so inspiring. As she shared her experience, I realised that I needed to be patient with my children and to allow the Lord to work with them in His perfect way and timing. I needed to trust in His process the way Sister Nelson had.

Being a single parent, I am always trying to ‘fill the gaps’ and I sometimes take counsel of my fears. Sister Nelson’s example gave me the courage I needed to stay positive and to keep going.

My children also felt the spirit of the prophet and his wife. They couldn’t get over how long Sister Nelson had waited upon the Lord. Hearing the challenges of her journey but at the same time seeing the result, as her husband gazed lovingly at her while she spoke, gave my daughters renewed courage and strength.

My eldest daughter, Storm, came to church the week after the prophet’s visit; she had not been for many months. She almost didn’t come in but as we stood in the doorway I whispered in her ear, “Storm:1 Satan:0”, she knew exactly what I meant and continued into the chapel.

There has been a noticeable shift in our home. The girls are more proactive with their participation in family study and council. Previously my children relied on me to solve everything but now we counsel together with respect and love. Storm prepares all our Come Follow Me lessons, and everyone makes an effort to participate.

We love you President and Sister Nelson.