Cupcakes for Cancer Research
September 2019

Local Pages

Cupcakes for Cancer Research

Members of the community in Melbourne’s South East recently gathered for a Biggest Morning Tea event at Living Learning Pakenham, raising funds for cancer research.

Maureen Thomas and Barbara Lucky, from the Pakenham Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, donated more than 150 cupcakes to the event, baked by members of the Relief Society and Young Women organisations.

Maureen said that Living Learning Pakenham staff were very appreciative of the donation.

“Barbara and I met CEO Miriam Cadwallader who spoke to us about the centre and all the classes and programs they run, as well as the VCAL students and their involvement in planning the event.”

Liahona and Shem’el Watson, two of the young women, baked and iced 12 chocolate cupcakes for the occasion.

“It’s nice to bake cakes and raise money for those in need,” commented Shem’el.

According to the Cancer Council, one in two Australians are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85.

Living Learning Pakenham, one of many organisations that support the Cancer Council’s annual campaign, raised approximately $1,000 at the morning tea.

This is the second year that members of Pakenham Ward have contributed home-baked goods to the centre. Maureen remarked, “We’re definitely looking forward to helping out again next year.”
