Insights from Young Adults
February 2020

“Insights from Young Adults,” Ensign, February 2020

Young Adults

Insights from Young Adults

on overcoming adversity

young man pondering by window

Photo illustration by Wendy Gibbs Keeler

“I have to trust that Christ knows exactly how I feel. And trust turning to Him each time I feel like I’m alone. He knows exactly how to succor me.”

—Zariah Inniss, Saint Michael, Barbados

“I remember ‘unto whom much is given much is required’ (Doctrine and Covenants 82:3) and try to practice gratitude.”

—Kieren Cranfield, New South Wales, Australia

“I try to remember that there’s always some way I can grow and improve thanks to the trial.”

—Wendi Gratzl, Missouri, USA

“I let positivity sink in on me and keep in mind that thinking negative things won’t even help.”

—Charmaine Ortiza, Cavite, Philippines

“Pray, pray, pray, pray. Then trust God with the answer.”

—Shane Dunlop, Western Australia, Australia
