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Why I Really Want to Go on a Mission
June 2020

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Why I Really Want to Go on a Mission

A few years ago, Lorraine S. participated in a mini mission for the Melbourne Wyndham Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Melbourne, Australia. At the time she was 13, a year younger than the intended age group for the event, but the area’s mission president gave her special permission to participate.

“[It] was a bit scary at first, because there were no other young women my age with me,” she recalls. Lorraine was also worried about having to talk to strangers while she practiced proselyting. “I had heard about how some missionaries have bad encounters when approaching houses or people on the street. I couldn’t help but wonder if that was going to happen to us.”

But she refused give in to fear. She knew that the Lord would protect her and her companions throughout the 3-day event.

Serving a mini mission turned out to be extremely enjoyable. “Most of the people we met while door-knocking were friendly and respectful, even if they weren’t interested in our message. They still asked questions about us, like, ‘Where are you from?’ and, ‘Why do you go on missions so young?’ We had great conversations.”

Lorraine was also grateful for her companions, who were the full-time sister missionaries plus a recently returned missionary. “They gave me a few tips for door-knocking and teaching lessons, which have helped me gain confidence for my own real mission.”

In fact, she’s dreamed of going on a full-time mission of her own since she was in Primary. Her mini-mission experience only strengthened her testimony of Jesus Christ and her desire to share His gospel with others. Since then, Lorraine—who is 17 now—has been actively preparing to submit her missionary application as soon as she is eligible.

“I’m so excited!” she says. “I love going out with the sister missionaries whenever I can, to proselyte, teach investigators and to visit less-active members of the Church.

“One thing I have learned while preparing is to really study the scriptures in-depth, to make sure I understand the doctrines and principles in them, especially in the Book of Mormon, so I can help others understand as well.”

While Lorraine has known for years that she wants to serve a mission, it’s only recently that she has figured out the reason for this desire.

“As I grew older, joined the youth programme and was taught more about the importance of missionary work, I finally realized why I want to go,” she says.

“I love my family and I want to be with them in the next life. I know many people want that, too.

“I know [now] that my purpose is to share the gospel with families so they can be sealed together. I want to help as many people as I can to be with their families forever.”