The Ridiculous Ride
October 1971

“The Ridiculous Ride,” Friend, Oct. 1971, 23

The Ridiculous Ride


Copy each line of words in the list on a separate card or piece of paper. Put all of the cards in a paper bag or box and mix them up.

Read the story aloud. When you come to a blank space, draw a card from the paper bag, read it aloud, and continue on with the story. Draw a new card each time you come to a blank.

“Is everyone ready to go for a ride?” asked Father.

“We’re ready,” shouted the Turner twins, Brad and Becky. “Let’s go!”

“I just love to ride in this _____,” sighed Mother, as the car drove onto the highway.

“Keep you eyes open for new and interesting things,” cautioned Father.

“Look over there at that _____,” said Brad.

“There’s a _____ on top of that house!” squealed Becky.

“Look under the bridge at that _____ and _____,” laughed Mother.

Father began to chuckle. “In that car ahead of us I can see a _____, a _____, and a _____.”

“Oh, no!” groaned Brad. “Look at that _____ wearing a _____.”

“If you think that’s strange,” Becky said, looking out her window, “what about that boy riding a _____ with a _____ on his back!”

“I never saw a _____ before,” said Mother, “but there’s one on that lady’s hat!”

Toot! Toot! sang a train as it passed by, loaded with a _____, a _____, and a _____.

“How funny,” smiled Brad, who had laughed so hard his sides ached. “I don’t believe it,” he called out. “Look at that lady pushing a baby buggy with a _____ in it, and a _____ tied onto the handle.”

“Now I’ve seen everything,” laughed Becky. “See that man wearing a _____. He’s throwing a _____ in the air and his _____ is bringing is back to him.”

“Let’s stop the car by this _____ and have our picnic,” said Father.

“Here, Brad, you carry the lunch over by that _____,” said Mother. “That looks like a good place to eat.”

Lunch was delicious. They had _____, _____, _____, and _____.

That night, way after time for the _____ to be asleep, the tired Turner family drove home. As the twins climbed out of the car, they both agreed it was the most ridiculous ride they had ever taken!

Pair of parakeets

Pink caterpillar

Gorgeous gorilla

Flat tire

Bent book

Boiled onion

Mischievous monkey

Orange octopus

Bearded poet

Tired tadpole

Bowlegged giraffe

Broken kite

Lumpy lobster

Pound of peanuts

Silly seal

Fractured football

Popped firecracker

Blue-eyed baboon

Purple cow

Bent nail

Airmail stamp

Rusty horseshoe

Blue briefcase

Bag of marbles

Sneezing snake

Can of paint

Fat frog

Exhausted encyclopedia

Jumping gentleman

Soggy sandwich

Goofy gopher
