“Christmas in the Woods,” Friend, Dec. 1971, insert
Christmas in the Wood
Icicles hung from every branch,
Snow covered the frozen ground,
And ten thousand Christmas trees
Stood silently for miles around.
The sound of cracking hazel nuts
Came from a large hollow tree;
Christmas dinner was being prepared
By a squirrel for her family.
A group of animal children met
Where a sturdy pine tree stood;
And when the birds began their carol,
It was Christmas in the wood.
DIRECTIONS: Glue these pages to heavier paper before cutting out animals and bird. Cut on solid black lines, and fold on dotted lines according to instructions.
Fold down sides and fold ears forward. Fold head toward body. Fold tail down.
Fold along back of rabbit. Fold ears forward and head back toward body.
Fold sides of bird down. Cut slit for beak and bend front of bird down. Using a pencil, curl the front under bird. Cut slits in tail and curl tail up, using pencil. Bend tail down.
Cut tree and leave fold that is already there. Tree will stand.
Fold front and back legs forward. Fold ears forward. Fold tail back. Curl end of tail around a pencil.
Fold along the back of fox. Fold ears forward and head back toward body.
Illustrated by Phyllis Luch