Recipes from Thailand
September 1972

“Recipes from Thailand,” Friend, Sept. 1972, 48

Recipes from Thailand

Meals in Thailand are eaten from a low table with each person sitting around on a cushion. There is usually kaeng phed (curry dish), kaeng chüd (soup), khao (large bowl of rice), and some vegetables. There will also be a favorite sauce that tastes of spices, fish, and garlic. Yam (green salad) is covered with a soy sauce dressing. For dessert there might be liquid fruits, fresh fruit, or puddings and custards made from sago (tapioca) or rice flour.

Kai P’anaeng (Coconut Chicken)

6 chicken breasts

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon curry powder

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 cups coconut cream (or you may use 1 can cream of chicken soup and 1 cup coconut milk)

Brown chicken on both sides in butter. Mix curry powder and lemon juice with coconut cream. Pour over chicken and bake at 325º for 40 minutes.

Khan Om Kluk (Coconut Pancakes)

1 1/4 cups rice flour

1 1/2 cups sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

3 cups coconut milk

4 eggs

1/2 cup oil

Combine flour, sugar, and salt. Add coconut milk and eggs, and beat until very smooth. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in a small skillet and pour in enough batter to cover the bottom. Brown lightly on both sides and then roll up like a jelly roll. Use more oil and make additional pancakes until the batter is gone. Keep them warm until served.

Sago (Tapioca) Pudding

3 tablespoons quick tapioca

1/3 cup sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 beaten egg

2 3/4 cups milk

Combine ingredients and let sit in a heavy pan for 5 minutes. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly so it won’t burn on the bottom. Remove from heat. Add vanilla or other seasonings. You may also like to add shredded coconut, sliced bananas, or other fruits.
