undefined undefined Icy Endings
Icy Endings
January 1973

“Icy Endings,” Friend, Jan. 1973, 23

Icy Endings

Here are definitions of words that end with the letters ICE. Read the definition. When you decide what the word is, print the letter in the blanks.

1. A sweet tasting black substance. __ __ __ __ __ ICE

2. A stone used for cleaning and polishing. __ __ __ ICE

3. A thin flat piece cut from something. __ __ ICE

4. A word that tells you that is enough. __ __ __ __ ICE

5. Some tiny gray rodents. __ ICE

6. An opinion about what should be done. __ __ __ ICE

7. The liquid part of fruits. __ __ ICE

8. Tiny insects that cause itching. __ ICE

9. Something pleasing or agreeable. __ ICE

10. The word for something done two times. __ __ ICE

11. Grain of plant grown in warm climates. __ ICE

12. A city in Italy. __ __ __ ICE


  • (1) licorice, (2) pumice, (3) slice, (4) suffice, (5) mice, (6) advice, (7) juice, (8) lice, (9) nice, (10) twice, (11) rice, (12) Venice.