Brain Teaser
January 1973

“Brain Teaser,” Friend, Jan. 1973, 22

Brain Teaser

Hidden in the following story are the names of 21 parts of the body. Some are made by combining the last part of one word with the first part of the following word. How many can you find?

One cold dark night Bob Ackerman sat dozing in his chair beside a cozy fire. Suddenly he heard a clip-clop outside and a knock on his door. There stood a shivering handsome stranger.

“Come in,” said Bob, “and kneel by my hearth and warm yourself.” Quick as a flash, the stranger did so.

“Where are you heading on such a night?” asked Bob.

“It is no secret,” replied the stranger. “An old legend was told to me yeaterday, and I am going to ski north to a spot high in the mountains of China where I shall find magic snails.” Then without stopping to even say goodbye, the stranger lunged out the door and was gone.

“What a strange fellow!” exclaimed Bob. “He was a bit too thin and quite thankless. I wonder if he were really here at all. Perhaps I have only been dreaming!”


  • (in order found in story): back, hair, ear, lip, hand, knee, heart, arm, lash, head, nose, lef, eye, skin, thigh, chin, nails, toe, lung, tooth, ankle.
