undefined undefined Snow Party
Snow Party
January 1973

“Snow Party,” Friend, Jan. 1973, 46

Snow Party


Cut snowflake designs from folded white paper. Open and paste onto a light blue piece of construction paper cut in the shape of a circle. Print this message on back:

As this snowflake falls into your hand,

May it melt into your heart

A welcome to a party planned—

Now this is when it will start:

  • Time

  • Place

  • Occasion

  • Name

  1. Write message on back of blue circle of paper.

  2. Fold square white paper on dotted lines.

  3. Cut off here.

  4. Cut designs into the folded layers.

  5. Open and paste onto blue circle.

Note: If games are to be played in the snow, indicate this on the invitation so guest will wear warm clothes, boots, and mittens.


If supervised, a small group of children could go sleigh riding, or they could play in the snow in your own yard or in a nearby park.

Snow Sculpturing Contest

Work in pairs. Give small prizes for the “best scooped-out design,” the “best sculpture,” the one that was the “hardest to make,” etc.

Fox and Geese

A large circle fifteen to thirty feet in diameter is marked on the ground. The circle is crossed with lines like the spokes of a wheel. (The circle and spokes are made by tramping down the snow.) The more players there are, the larger the circle and the greater the number of spokes.

One player is chosen to be the fox and stands in the center of the circle. The other players are geese and scatter around the rim. The object of the game is for the geese to cross the wheel to some opposite point without being tagged by the fox. Geese may only run on the spokes that go straight across the circle; they can’t turn at an angle in the center. When one of the geese is tagged by the fox, the two change places and there is a new fox.

Snowball Pitch

Form two lines and pitch snowballs in holes dug into the snow, or pitch them at a snowman’s hat. Each player throws three snowballs or more until he makes a hit. The first line to have everyone hit the snow holes or hat wins.

Alternate Activities

If it blizzards or is too cold to play outside, let each guest fill a pie tin full of snow to bring inside and make small sculptures.

With a container of snow to examine, make a list of snow properties (white, wet, melts, etc.). It’s surprising how many there are. The longest list wins.

If you live where there is no snow, you could make white snow confetti to throw in the air—if mother has a room she’ll let you use and if you’re handy with a broom.

After the confetti snowstorm, get down on the floor and make designs in the snow—the best one wins.

Pour fruit juice over chopped up ice cubes. You’ll have a “cool” feeling.

Cut out paper snowflakes while someone reads stories about winter and snow. Some may be found in the Friend.

Paste small wads of cotton, or draw with chalk, on a dark paper background. Judge each entry for most artistic, worst blizzard, etc.

Write short verses about snow, snowmen, or ice. They could be judged as funniest, coolest, etc.


Make a snowman centerpiece of popcorn and have popcorn ball favors.

If a table is used, attach light blue streamers to each popcorn ball. Fasten the other ends to the snowman centerpiece.

Spread the table with a white cloth, sheet, or white paper. Use white napkins and paper dishes. The food will add color.

The house could be decorated with large and small paper snowflakes.


You might serve warm-colored punch and frosted cookies or hot chili, crackers, and hot chocolate with a white marshmallow on top.

Party Manner for the Month

Be sure you don’t track snow or mud into the house.

Illustrated by Nina Grover