March 1973

“Saturday,” Friend, Mar. 1973, 34


Saturday was a special day for the Olson family, who lived in a sprawling old farmhouse in a little western Canadian town nearly seventy-five years ago.

The ten brothers and their sister knew that Saturday was the day to get ready for Sunday, and everyone was expected to help. Some were assigned to care for younger children, while others helped Father with the outside chores. Indoors, there was washing, cleaning, and baking to do, for even the food to be eaten on Sunday was prepared on Saturday.

Aromas of freshly baked chicken, warm spice cake, and homemade bread were tempting, but everything was carefully wrapped, covered, and put away for Sunday dinner.

After the baking was done, teams of boys helped Mother scrub and clean the kitchen, while their only sister ironed freshly laundered white shirts with the old flat iron that had been heated on the big black coal stove. Sheets were changed and bedrooms tidied, and when the house was finally ready, it was time for the last Saturday chore—the bath. Two or more boys at a time had to share the large round wooden tub of hot soapy water.

After the last child was scrubbed and in his nightclothes, Mother served a favorite treat—hot cider with fresh buttered popcorn or homemade doughnuts. Afterward Father gathered the family together to give thanks to our Heavenly Father for the blessings of that day. Finally the children would climb into bed clean, tired, happy, and ready for the Sabbath day.

Your Saturdays are undoubtedly not busy in quite the same way as the Olson’s were, but this song can remind you that everyone should make Saturday a special get-ready-for-Sunday day.


by Rita S. Robinson and Chester W. Hill
Arr. Margaret C. Richards

Saturday is a special day, it’s the day we get ready for Sunday;

We clean the house and we shop at the store,

so we won’t have to work until Monday;

We brush our clothes and we shine our shoes,

and we call it our “get-the-work-done” day;

Then we trim our nails and we shampoo our hair,

so we can be ready for Sunday!

Music, Saturday

Illustrated by JaNeanne Webster

Illustrated by Judy Capener
