undefined undefined Jesus in America
Jesus in America
April 1973

“Jesus in America,” Friend, Apr. 1973, 41

Jesus in America

After a while the lightning and the thunder ceased

And all upheavals in the earth were still;

The cold thick darkness disappeared

And there was the temple shining on the hill.

The people gathered, even the youngest child,

And in the waiting quiet, a small voice said,

“Behold my beloved Son … Hear ye Him.”

And there was Jesus, risen, who was dead.

“Come,” He said, “know for yourself I live.”

The people came, young and old, one by one.

To feel the nail prints and touch His side,

And each one knew that He was God’s own Son,

Crucified in Jerusalem across the sea,

But risen now and glorified,

The resurrected Lord for all to see.

Then Jesus taught those in America,

And Nephi made a record of His word,

That men might know that Jesus died and lived again—

Another witness to our risen Lord.

And he spake unto the multitude, and said unto them: Behold your little ones.

And as they looked … they saw angels descending out of heaven … and they came down and encircled those little ones … and the angels did minister unto them.

(3 Ne. 17:23–24.)

Illustrated by Ronald Crosby