undefined undefined The First Easter
The First Easter
April 1973

“The First Easter,” Friend, Apr. 1973, 43

The First Easter

Matthew 26, 27 [Matt. 26, 27]; Mark 14, 15; Luke 22, 23; John 18, 19

1. Wicked men came to the Garden of Gethsemane and took Jesus away.

2. They went to a place called Calvary, and there they crucified Him on a cross between two thieves.

3. From the cross, Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Then Jesus cried, “It is finished,” and bowed His head and died.

4. The disciples of Jesus carried His body and laid it in a tomb in a nearby garden.

5. Those who had put Jesus to death rolled a large stone in front of the door of the tomb and ordered soldiers to guard the place.

6. When the Sabbath was past, several women went to the tomb. They found the guards gone and the stone rolled away.

7. An angel appeared and said that Christ had risen from the dead as He had promised. The messenger told the women to go and tell Jesus’ disciples.

8. Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb after delivering the message. While she stood outside the tomb weeping, Jesus appeared to her. Later He also appeared to many others.

9. Jesus came to a room where the disciples were and stayed with them for forty days, teaching and healing.

10. One day while the disciples watched, Jesus was taken up to heaven. Two angels declared, “This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go.”

Illustrated by Ronald Crosby