Pots and Pans
September 1975

“Pots and Pans,” Friend, Sept. 1975, 27

Pots and Pans

Pots and pans appear within

So many words we see.

Fill in the missing letters

And find what they will be.

1. vegetable

pot __ __ __

2. smudge

__ pot

3. dishware

pot __ __ __ __

4. capability

pot __ __ __ __ __ __

5. bright light

__ pot __ __ __ __ __

6. powerful

pot __ __ __

7. overpowering fright

pan __ __

8. extend across

__ pan

9. trousers

pan __ __

10. window glass

pan __

11. to punish

__ pan __

12. food closet

pan __ __ __


  • (1) potato, (2) spot, (3) pottery, (4) potential, (5) spotlight, (6) potent, (7) panic, (8) span, (9) pans, (10) pane, (11) spank, (12) pantry.
