“Soldier Tree Ornament,” Friend, Dec. 1975, 7
Soldier Tree Ornament
You will need: a cardboard toilet tissue tube, construction paper, trim, glue, colored marking pens, and scissors.
Trace and cut out body and hat patterns from colored paper. Cut arm patterns from heavy cardboard and cover both sides of arms and body strip with same colored paper. Color and cut out face strip. To assemble soldier ornament:
1. Glue body strip on lower part of tube and glue face pattern to front center of tube above body strip.
2. Glue hat strip above face strip.
3. Trace a circle around top of tube in same color as hat. Attach string as shown and glue circle with string to top of tube.
4. Make two slits on each side of tube where body strip begins and insert arms. Glue on belt in center of body strip. Decorate soldier with rick-rack, braid, or sequins.