undefined undefined Book of Mormon Crossword Puzzle
Book of Mormon Crossword Puzzle
April 1976

“Book of Mormon Crossword Puzzle,” Friend, Apr. 1976, 21

Book of Mormon Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle


3. The gold plates were ______ by Joseph Smith.

6. Given name of our first modern-day Prophet.

8. An _______ appeared to Joseph Smith in his room.

9. The plates were written in reformed _______.

10. Another name for the Savior.

11. Joseph Smith was a prophet, _______, and revelator.

14. Revelation received in a dream.

15. The first 116 manuscript pages of the Book of Mormon record were _______ at one time.

16. Angel’s name who appeared to Joseph Smith in his bedroom.

17. Moroni _______ the plates.

18. Cumorah is a _______.


1. A man who speaks for the Lord on earth.

2. Indians are descendants of the _______ in the Book of Mormon.

4. A member of the LDS Church is often called a ________.

5. The Book of Mormon was recorded on gold _______.

7. All who were not Lamanites in the early Americas.

10. The gold plates were hidden in the Hill _______.

12. The Book of Mormon is an ancient _______.

13. The Prophet Joseph’s last name.


  • Across—(3) translated, (6) Joseph, (8) angel, (9) Egyptian, (10) Christ, (11) seer, (14) vision, (15) lost, (16) Moroni, (17) buried, (18) hill. Down—(1) prophet, (2) Lamanites, (4) Mormon, (5) plates, (7) Nephites, (10) Cumorah, (12) record, (13) Smith.