“Book of Mormon Crossword Puzzle,” Friend, Apr. 1976, 21
Book of Mormon Crossword Puzzle

3. The gold plates were ______ by Joseph Smith.
6. Given name of our first modern-day Prophet.
8. An _______ appeared to Joseph Smith in his room.
9. The plates were written in reformed _______.
10. Another name for the Savior.
11. Joseph Smith was a prophet, _______, and revelator.
14. Revelation received in a dream.
15. The first 116 manuscript pages of the Book of Mormon record were _______ at one time.
16. Angel’s name who appeared to Joseph Smith in his bedroom.
17. Moroni _______ the plates.
18. Cumorah is a _______.
1. A man who speaks for the Lord on earth.
2. Indians are descendants of the _______ in the Book of Mormon.
4. A member of the LDS Church is often called a ________.
5. The Book of Mormon was recorded on gold _______.
7. All who were not Lamanites in the early Americas.
10. The gold plates were hidden in the Hill _______.
12. The Book of Mormon is an ancient _______.
13. The Prophet Joseph’s last name.