A Sunday Box
September 1976

“A Sunday Box,” Friend, Sept. 1976, 14

A Sunday Box

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, …

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

—Exodus 20:8–11 [Ex. 20:8–11]

Sunday is a day that is different from any other day of the week. Reverence in our thoughts and actions should be shown on this day.

It’s a clean day

Our shoes are shined.

Our clothes are clean.

Our hair is combed.

It’s a happy day

We spend it with our family.

We see our friends at church.

We smile.

It’s a reverent day

We go to Sunday School and

sacrament meeting. We are

reverent in our Heavenly

Father’s house. We learn

about Jesus Christ and our

Heavenly Father.

And even at home we do

quiet, reverent things.

Because Sunday should be a day of worship and rest, we don’t do many of the things we do on other days. Make your own list of different things you might do on Sunday. Here are some suggested activities:

Visit a neighbor.

Read and act out a parable or other story from the scriptures.

Go for a walk.

Write and illustrate a letter to a missionary or someone you know.

Call your grandma and grandpa to say how much you love them.

Read one or more chapters from the scriptures.

Make a puzzle from a picture in a magazine everyone in the family has read.

Count or write down all the beautiful things you can see or think of that our Heavenly Father has given to us.

Ask your mother, father, or grandparents to tell you about their lives when they were children.

Using a brown paper bag, make a puppet of a biblical character.

Draw a picture of three of your blessings.

Do a secret good deed for someone.

Make a centerpiece for the table.

Work on your My Own Story from directions in the August (1976) Friend.

Memorize the words to a favorite hymn or poem.

Read a story from the Friend.

Ask your mother if you may invite a friend for lunch or supper.

Learn about your ancestors and fill out a genealogy sheet.

Read a book.

Read and act out a parable or other story from the scriptures.

Decorate a small box, jar, or suitable container with crayons, colored markers, yarn, paper, or lace. Then cut your list into separate pieces with an activity on each one and place in your Sunday Box.

Every Sunday choose an idea from your box and you will know just what to do to have a reverent and happy day.

Illustrated by Ron Eddington
