Post a Valentine!
February 1977

“Post a Valentine!” Friend, Feb. 1977, 43

Post a Valentine!

You will need: empty half-gallon milk carton, lightweight cardboard, rubber band, brass fastener, scissors, ruler, and colored paper for hearts.

1. Cut off top of milk carton, leaving a flap and one side as illustrated.

Valentine box

Illustrated by LaFarne Holz

2. Lay carton on its side with flap facing the front. Cut a piece of cardboard 7 3/4″ x 13″. Glue shorter ends to sides of carton, as shown, using masking tape to hold them in place until glue dries.

3. Trace around arched ends onto cardboard, and cut out cardboard pieces. Tape one piece to back and tape other piece under front flap.

4. To keep front end closed, attach a rubber band to top edge of mailbox, insert brass fastener in top of end piece, bend piece up, and loop rubber band over fastener to close mailbox (see illustration).

5. To make a flag for mailbox, cut a strip of cardboard 3/4″ x 4 1/2″ and glue to side of mailbox.

6. Cut a heart (flag) from colored paper and glue it ot top of strip. Then cut out and glue other hearts in various sizes to mailbox, and make a slot in top to insert valentines. Your name can be placed on front of box if you desire.
