undefined undefined Christmas Decorations and Ornaments
Christmas Decorations and Ornaments
December 1977

“Christmas Decorations and Ornaments,” Friend, Dec. 1977, 26

Christmas Decorations and Ornaments

Tissue Ornaments

You will need: black construction paper, transparent tape, scraps of brightly colored tissue paper, white glue, scissors, pencil, cookie cutters, darning needle, and thread.

1. Lay one sheet of construction paper directly on top of another, taping corners together to hold in place.

2. Trace outline of cookie cutter on double construction paper for shape of finished ornament. Repeat tracing of cookie cutter shapes until paper is filled.

3. Pencil stained-glass design inside ornament shape. Be sure to leave a 1/4″ border of construction paper between places to be cut out.

4. Cut out stained-glass designs, then ornament shapes.

5. Trace stained-glass design onto tissue paper, add 1/8″ margin all around, and cut out shapes.

6. Glue tissue shapes in place on one ornament cutout. Glue matching ornament cutout over tissue shapes. Do not put glue on any tissue that will show in the openings. Let dry.

7. Pierce top of ornament with darning needle and push 6″ piece of thread through hole. Tie knot in loose ends.

Heirloom Tree Ornaments

With a little imagination, you can make lovely ornaments for Christmas. Take plain satin balls and glue on bits of velvet, patterned grosgrain, or embroidered ribbons and ruffles stiffened with spray starch. Cutouts from old Christmas cards, stickers, or gift wrappings can be glued on balls.

Triple Bells

You will need: scissors, foil wrapping paper, needle, black thread, and glue.

Cut three circles from foil wrapping paper 3″ in diameter. Fold each circle in half, colored side out, and glue halves shut. Overlap straight edges and glue together to form cone. (Fasten with paper clip till dry.)

Thread a needle with heavy black thread and knot ends together. Pull needle through point of cone from inside until cone rests on knot. Tie another knot 1″ above cone tip. Repeat process with second cone. Now add third cone. Cut thread 2″ above tip and tie to form loop for hanging.

Pasta Trees

You will need: lightweight cardboard or Styrofoam cone, white glue, ruler, pencil, pasta in various shapes, and white glossy spray enamel.

Either make a cone shape from lightweight cardboard or purchase a Styrofoam cone from a craft supply store. With ruler measure and mark several rows on cone to enable you to lay design without a slant. Starting from the bottom, brush white glue in small areas onto cone and then lay pasta in place making any design you wish. When the tree is completely covered with pasta and the glue is thoroughly dry, spray with white glossy spray enamel. Let dry and spray again. The tree can also be left in its natural color.

Illustrated by Pat Hoggan

Photos by Jed Clark