A Happy Birthday to the Primary
February 1978

“A Happy Birthday to the Primary,” Friend, Feb. 1978, 34–35

A Happy Birthday to the Primary

“A happy birthday to the Primary!”

We sing with love and cheer,

For Primary is going to be

One hundred years old this year.*

When Primary first had its start,

Each child was taught to do his part,

To use good manners, Be polite,

Say “Thank you, please, good day, good night.”

Now ev’ry week in Primary

Children gather rev’rently,

To learn about the gospel plan

And serve the Lord the best they can.

So won’t you come and help us celebrate

These many years of joy,

A Primary that’s now worldwide

For ev’ry girl and boy.

Music, A Happy Birthday to the Primary
Music, A Happy Birthday to the Primary
  • For subsequent years, use alternate words.
