He Lives!
April 1979

“He Lives!” Friend, Apr. 1979, 1

He Lives!

The boy had read the scriptures,

So he knew the story—

How Jesus lived, was crucified,

And rose in glory.

His heart warmed at the thought of the Babe in Bethlehem,

The shepherds and the star, the angels’ song.

He caught the vision of the Man of Galilee

And His miracles of love, His righting wrong.

He grieved with Mary at the cross on Calvary.

He felt the dark, the thunder, and the fear.

And he rejoiced with Peter after the third day

To see the resurrected Lord appear.

All this was written in the Book.

All this he knew.

Was this same Jesus living now?

Could this be true?

The air was warm; the birds were singing that spring day.

The boy knelt in the grove in faith, in prayer,

And suddenly a pillared light appeared above.

The Father and the Son were standing there!

Alive and radiant and full of loving grace,

The Father said, “This is my Beloved Son …”

And Joseph knew He lived—as He does now.

Then Jesus stilled his questions—every one.

The boy has left his witness;

He has told his story—

How Jesus lived and died

But lives again in glory.
