Bond of Love
February 1980

“Bond of Love,” Friend, Feb. 1980, 18–19

Bond of Love

Families are wonderful all over the earth,

Caring for children from the time of each birth.

Families in jungles gather berries to eat.

On many a farm, families harvest the wheat.

Some families in mountains weave clothes of bright yarns.

In dairylands others put up bright new barns.

On islands the families fish and they row.

In deserts or cities they cook and they sew.

In pueblos and houseboats families eat and play.

There they worship together in their own way.

Adults go to work. They have wages to earn.

And the children at school have lessons to learn.

But together at home or when they’re apart,

They are bound by the love in each member’s heart.

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney
