Books Alive!
November 1980

“Books Alive!” Friend, Nov. 1980, 38

Books Alive!

“Books Alive!” is the theme of National Children’s Book Week November 17–23. Here are a few books that will make the world around you come alive. Check them out at the library or add some to your Christmas list.

The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare is about Daniel, who lived during the time of Jesus and planned with his friends to drive the hated Romans from Israel. It is also about lovely Malthace and shy Leah and how they discover that love is stronger than hate. (Houghton Mifflin, also in paperback)

The Anti-Coloring Book of Exploring Space on Earth by Susan Striker is filled with projects to help children become aware of the things around them through their own creativity. (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, in paperback)

Oliver Button Is a Sissy, written and illustrated by Tomie de Paola, is a book for young readers that tells how the teasing of Oliver’s classmates doesn’t stop him from doing what he likes best. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, in paperback)

Morning Noon and Nighttime, Too, poems selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins, contains more than three dozen bright poems that take you through a day, starting with morning’s messy beds right up to time for being tucked into bed at night. (Harper & Row)

The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes tells about Wanda, who wore the same faded dress to school each day. Much to the dismay of her classmates, she always claimed, “I have a hundred dresses at home—all lined up in my closet.” How the children come to understand Wanda and her dresses is a tender and touching story. (Harcourt, Brace and World, also in paperback)

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Tasha Tudor, is about a lonely little girl who finds friends, health, and happiness in a mysterious walled garden that has been locked for many years. Boys and girls have enjoyed this classic since it was first published in 1912. (J. B. Lippincott, also in paperback)

Sam, Bangs and Moonshine, written and illustrated by Evaline Ness, is a delightfully humorous book for young readers about Sam, who tells exciting and lovely stories only to find the danger of mixing moonshine with reality. (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, also in paperback)

Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall, illustrated by Barbara Cooney, received the 1980 Caldecott Award for its illustrations. This picture book captures the simplicity of early nineteenth century New England and helps the reader follow the lyrical journey of the life of a farmer and his family through the seasons. (The Viking Press)

A Mouse Called Junction by Julia Cunningham and illustrated by Michael Hague is a delightful picture book that tells the story of the young mouse Junction, who leaves his underground home to experience life and finds the greatest adventure is loving and sharing. (Pantheon Books)

Books Alive!
