Who Is It?
February 1982

“Who Is It?” Friend, Feb. 1982, 16

Who Is It?

Crossword puzzle


  1. Often called “Honest _____”

  2. Practiced _____ in New Salem, Illinois

  3. While he was president, many people used a covered _____ to travel west

  4. Born in a log _____

  5. President during the Civil _____

  6. When he was a boy he studied by the _____ of the fireplace

  7. His sweetheart _____ Rutledge died before they could marry


  1. His first name

  2. Fill in blank spaces and combine with 1 down to learn this person’s name.


  • Across—(2) Abe, (3) law, (4) wagon, (5) cabin, (6) War, (7) light, (8) Ann. Down—(1) Abraham, (3) Lincoln.