Sharing Time: Go the Second Mile
September 1982

“Sharing Time: Go the Second Mile,” Friend, Aug.–Sept. 1982, 47

Sharing Time:

Go the Second Mile

And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. (Matt. 5:41.)

Sometimes it is hard to measure our progress in life. How we act in a situation is very important. Not only can we choose to do a right thing, but we can go the second mile by thinking of another right choice that will help us and someone else.

Start in the middle of the maze and find one of the routes out. Then find the problem that corresponds with the direction symbol at the end of the route. Give as many possible solutions to the problem as you can. Score one point for each solution. Decide which right solution(s) would mean going the second mile, and score two additional points for explaining why. Play this game alone, with a partner, or as a panel or team game during family night.


N You notice someone at school who is crying during lunchtime. You could …

NE There are five children in your Primary class. Three of them do everything together. You feel left out. You could …

E While you are tending your little sister, a television program becomes violent and the actors use bad language. You know your parents would not want you to watch it, but your sister says she will not tell. You could …

SE You father paid you in advance to mow the lawn. Two friends come over while you are working and want you to go swimming. You could …

S A neighbor on your street has poor health. Your mother suggested that you help clean her kitchen every Saturday. You don’t like to go because the neighbor always wants you to stay and visit. You could …

SW You are playing at a friend’s house. The older brother in the family is mean, and you are afraid of him. He wants you to smoke something that he says will make you feel good. You could …

W You are with a friend at the grocery store and are surprised to see him slip an obscene magazine under his coat. You could …

NW You have two assignments due tomorrow. Your mother reminds you that it is your turn to do the dishes. You could …

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Enlarge maze and use as a game for a class discussion. Teams could also be chosen. Think of additional situations that require children to make choices.

  2. Make a copy of the maze for each child, and see who can write down the greatest number of possible solutions in a given time. Younger children can mark the route and give answers orally.