undefined undefined It’s All in the Numbers
It’s All in the Numbers
January 1983

“It’s All in the Numbers,” Friend, Jan. 1983, 23

It’s All in the Numbers

Here are some common phrases used in the Church that start with numbers. Only the initial letters of the key words are given. See how many you can figure out by yourself in ten minutes, or use this as a group project during a family home evening.

Examples: 12 D in a Q=12 deacons in a quorum; 3 J cast into the F F=3 Jews cast into the firey furnace.

  1. 10 C

  2. 13 A of F

  3. 12 A in the Q of the T

  4. 12 T of I

  5. 7 D of C

  6. 40 Y in the W

  7. 2 of each A on the A

  8. 15 B in the B of M

  9. 24 G P

  10. 16 S S (T by the F of the L)

  11. 4 S of M

  12. 2000 S W

  13. 5 L and 2 F

  14. 3 D after the C, J was R

  15. 500 M in the M B


  • (1) 10 commandments, (2) 13 Articles of Faith, (3) 12 apostles in the Quorum of the Twelve, (4) 12 Tribes of Israel, (5) 7 days of creation, (6) 40 years in the wilderness, (7) 2 of each animal on the ark, (8) 15 books in the Book of Mormon, (9) 24 gold plates, (10) 16 small stones (touched by the finger of the Lord), (11) 4 sons of Mosiah, (12) 2000 stripling warriors, (13) 5 loaves and 2 fishes, (14) 3 days after the Crucifixion, Jesus was resurrected, (15) 500 men in the Mormon Battalion.