Sharing Time: Resolve to Have a Happy New Year
January 1983

“Sharing Time: Resolve to Have a Happy New Year,” Friend, Jan. 1983, 39

Sharing Time:

Resolve to Have a Happy New Year

If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me and keep all my commandments. (D&C 42:29.)

The beginning of a new year is a good time to improve our attitudes and our behavior. One of the best resolutions we can make is a resolve to keep the commandments, for that is the sure way to happiness.

In the Book of Mormon (1 Ne. 8; 1 Ne. 11) there is a wonderful dream given to the prophet Lehi. In it he saw an iron rod, representing the word of God, that helped people to find happiness. By holding on to the iron rod, people were guided along the straight and narrow path that led to a tree. Many people tried to reach the tree and eat the fruit. Some people strayed from the path, others were lost in the mists, and some let go of the rod because people were making fun of them. All of these people were unhappy. Those who held on to the rod were safely guided to happiness and eternal life.

Resolve that you, too, will be happy by keeping the commandments—by holding on to the iron rod.

Instructions: Cut out figures and glue onto picture of Lehi’s dream (matching letters), then color. Read 1 Nephi, chapters 8 and 11, [1 Ne. 8, 1 Ne. 11] for complete account of dream and interpretation given to Nephi.

Lehi’s dream
A tree

A Tree (love of God—happiness)

Beautiful building

B Beautiful building (pride of the world)

Prideful people

C Prideful people (those who mocked righteous people)

Righteous people

D Righteous people (those trying to keep commandments)

Unhappy people

E Unhappy people (those who let go of iron rod)

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Enlarge and color picture of Lehi’s dream and tell story and meaning as you add figures to picture (1 Ne. 8, 1 Ne. 11).

  2. Discuss situations children may face that could cause them to let go of iron rod. Decide what could be done in each situation.

  3. Make copies of Sharing Time page for each child to cut, glue, and color. Sing “Let Us All Press On” and “Keep the Commandments” as they work. Invite children to explain meaning of each part of picture.

Illustrated by Jon Burton
